Take part in a global 30-day Cycling Challenge that stretches over the month of June. Ride together with friends on all continents! Have fun and stay in good health!

In the last twelve years, this event has given cyclists around the world the opportunity to join together in a oneness-project and get joy from following each other's progress. For example, in June 2021 276 participants in 31 countries on all 6 continents cycled together 124'166 km. In June 2023 241 participants in 28 countries on 6 continents cycled together 108'160 km. 

Sri Chinmoy Cycling Challenge: Month of Cycling - June 2024. Poster by Hrishikesh, Bulgaria.


Rules are simple - during the month of June you can ride wherever you like, with whomever you like, as much as you like. Ride in a soulful and joyful consciousness and be happy!

Send your name, place where cycled and the distance completed to Vandaniya by email vandaniya@zoho.eu. You can send results daily, weekly or the total distance at the end. Results will be posted on this page and updated as they arrive.


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