
From: Friday, August 9, 18:00

To: Saturday, August 10, 21:00

Two European teams of more than 27 cyclists each double-covered all 27 hours. We cycled in Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Lithuania and Norway.


Other cyclists joined all around the world cycling in their chosen times. Together we cycled total of 6118 km at 46 different venues in 20 countries in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. Three cyclists did over 300 km achieving their personal best results for 27-hour cycling:

  • Deeptaksha Mihaylov cycled 346 km around Zurich in Switzerland
  • Adriano Passini cycled 300 km around his home city Sao Jose dos Campos in Brasil
  • Olaf Becker cycled 300 km from Magdeburg to Berlin and back in Germany



27-Hour Cycling, August 9/10, 2019 - official result-list


Photo gallery:

Devarupi started cycling before dawn. Sunrise over the Curonian lagoon, Nida, Lithuania.

And made this selfie later on the way from Nida to the village Preila.


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The cycling takes place non-stop

from     18:00    on Friday,         09 August 2019
to          21:00    on Saturday,    10 August 2019

During these 27 hours (use local time in your country) you can ride bicycle wherever you want, as much as you want, individually or with friends, even on your stationary bicycle at home, if you have no time to go out. You need not ride all 27 hours, join any time and cycle as long as you feel inspired.

If you have enough cyclist-friends, you can organize relay-cycling covering all 27 hours.

Please measure (or estimate) the distance you crossed and send your full name, place where you cycled and distance you crossed to Vandaniya, Zurich per email: [email protected].



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