Results June 2024, updated as they arrive:

June 1 to June 27 - 37'609 km, 135 participants in 23 countries on 6 continents plus Oceania
June 1 to June 25 - 33'948 km, 128 participants in 21 countries on 6 continents
June 1 to June 23 - 29'865 km, 122 participants in 21 countries on 6 continents
June 1 to June 20 - 23'730 km, 116 participants in 21 countries on 6 continents
June 1 to June 18 - 21'310 km, 114 participants in 20 countries on 5 continents
June 1 to June 16 - 18'525 km, 108 participants in 19 countries on 4 continents
June 1 to June 14 - 13'590 km, 92 participants in 17 countries on 3 continents
June 1 to June 11 - 11'978 km, 87 participants in 17 countries on 3 continents
June 1 to June 9 - 8'329 km, 69 participants in 15 countries on 3 continents
June 1 to June 7 - 4'431 km, 50 participants in 14 countries on 3 continents
June 1 to June 5 - 3'092 km, 34 participants in 10 countries on 3 continents


Photo-gallery June 2024:

In the gallery below the participants of this year's Month of Cycling share the photos and inspiration from their rides.​

Adriano cycling in João Pessoa, Brasil. The photo was made at Cabo Branco Lighthouse, the most eastern point in the Americas. 

Ekalabhya and Dejan on a 110km ride at 40 degree Celsius. It is very hot in Macedonia these days...

A group of cyclists from Austria, Germany and Switzerland gethered in Rovinj, Croatia and cycled almost 1000km on the first day of June 2024. Photo was taken in Rovinj harbor. 

Snack-break in Kanfanar, top of the hill, some 40 km into the ride. 

"Home-Tree" on the village-square in Kanfanar. 

Pranjal cycled on some difficult terrains in Slovakia, where not everybody survives the life-adventure. 

Andrija on a rainy day in Timisoara, Romania. 

Guzel from Nakhabino, Moscow. 

On June 1, 2024, Garga from Bristol, UK, participated in Czechman Triathlon in Stare Zdanice and made a personal best result. Hear seen cycling 90km. Congratulations! 

Vasanti riding with Peace Run team from Weinheim to Heidelberg, Germany. 

Kallol from Heidelberg, Germany, travelled to Croatia in his car-home for the start of the Month of Cycling. 

Mananyu with his gravel bike. 

Edwige sends greetings from sunny Saint-Lunaire in Bretagne, France. 

On June 11 Anne-Marie from Nancy, France, started an epic journey. She is heading from her home in Nancy to North Cape in Norway. Expected to cycle total of 4'200 km through France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway in next 2.5 months!  

After 6 days Anne-Marie arrived in Cologne, Germany. 

Shuna riding in Budapest, Hungary. 

Guzel, the flower-child, in Nakhabino, Russia. 

Gyuri sends greetings from Turda, Romania. 

Shreshta and Tirtha cycling in Munich, Germany. 

Kanala preparing for cycling tour in Cocaletto, Croatia. 

Prasannateyu was cycling on a rainy day around Subotica, Serbia ... 

... and saw this rainbow. 

Shatadal cycled in Dresden, Germany, and also needed shelter from rain. Beginning of June 2024 is rainy in Europe. 

Yuliia cycling in Schliren, Switzerland. 

Vira and Olena cycling along river Limat in Switzerland. 

Ekagra in Cocaletto, Croatia. Let's go to the beach! 

And here we are! Palud beach, near Rovinj in Istria, Croatia. 

Deveshu at Lim bay, Croatia. 

Savyasachi cycles in the Hague, Holland. 

Guzel cycling in Nakhabino, near Moscow, Russia. 

Mridanga from Ipswich, UK, serving as a lead cyclist on a 5km-race. 

Hrishikesh, cycling in Kemptthal, Switzerland. Typical old Swiss house-architecture.  

Hrishikesh in the tree-park in Winterthur, Switzerland. 

Hrishikesh with toucan wooden statue in Pfaeffikon, Switzerland. 

On June 1, Aklanta took part in MTB race in Rhens (near Koblenz) in Germany. 

He rode 28 km along slippery roads on a rainy day. 

And placed first in his age category! Congratulations! 

Hutashan, near Zurich, Switzerland. 

Mukunja's bike on Montpellier beach, France. 

Narmada cycling in Zurich, Switzerland. 

Babacar cycling with friends along Cap Skirring beach in Senegal, Africa. 

Vandaniya reaching for the stars, finding only baloons and cars. Photo by Hrishikesh in Kemptthal, Switzerland. 


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Propositions 2024:

Take part in a global 30-day Cycling Challenge that stretches over the month of June. Ride together with friends on all continents! Have fun and stay in good health!

In the last twelve years, this event has given cyclists around the world the opportunity to join together in a oneness-project and get joy from following each other's progress. For example, in June 2021 276 participants in 31 countries on all 6 continents cycled together 124'166 km. In June 2023 241 participants in 28 countries on 6 continents cycled together 108'160 km. 

Sri Chinmoy Cycling Challenge: Month of Cycling - June 2024. Poster by Hrishikesh, Bulgaria.

Rules are simple - during the month of June you can ride wherever you like, with whomever you like, as much as you like. Ride in a soulful and joyful consciousness and be happy!

Send your name, place where cycled and the distance completed to Vandaniya by email [email protected]. You can send results daily, weekly or the total distance at the end. Results will be posted on this page and updated as they arrive.


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